It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend Margaret Chaldecott passed away on 25 March 2019. Margaret was a member of the Sydney Esperanto Society for a long time and, from 1964, has been at various times secretary, president and board member of the Esperanto Federation of New South Wales (and the editor of the newsletter “Telopeo”) and a board member of the Australian Esperanto Association. She was a delegate of UEA for many years. Through dedicated members […]
Author Archive: retejestro
Esperanto on SBS radio
On 6 June 2018 a journalist (Amelia Dunn) and videographer from the Australian radio and television station SBS spent an hour and a half interviewing several Esperantists at Esperanto House, Sydney. The result (so far) is a short radio program/podcast: Universal but obscure language making a comeback with internet.
Interviews with East Timorese at the 2nd tri-nation congress
East Timorese talk about some experiences they had during the second tri-nation congress in Bekasi, Indonesia. Interviewed by Heidi Goes, just before the closing of the congress.
Esperanto Winter School 2018, Adelaide
9, 10 June 2018, 10am–3pm The Box Factory, 59 Regent St, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 (Google maps) Contact: (08) 8297 6125 or 0422 221 824 Email:
Ilia Sumilfia Dewi’s Bekasi report
Report on the Second Three-country Congress in Bekasi, Indonesia From 28 March to 2 April 2018 the second three-country congress took place in the city of Bekasi, which is located 55.6 km from the international airport in Jakarta. Most congress participants from other countries have never heard of the city and have no idea what it is like. However, I proposed the city to the other organisations from Australia and New Zealand because there are young people in this second […]
Second Tri-nation Congress 2018
The 2018 tri-nation congress in Bekasi has concluded. This page describes what happened. Indonesia / Australia / New Zealand BEKASI, INDONESIA : 28 March – 2 April 2018 HORISON HOTEL JI. KH. Noer Ali, Kayuringin Jaya, Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17148, Indonesia See reports, comments and photos SPECIAL GUESTS Heidi Goes (b. 1976, Belgium) graduated in African languages and cultures with a dissertation on the Esperanto movement in Africa (1999). She is a co-compiler of the Indonesian language […]
Farewell message from Albert Garrido
A breath of fresh air A farewell message from Albert Stalin Garrido (Philippines) AEA invited Albert to the second three-country congress in Bekasi. It was the first time to hear something about Esperanto in the Philippines. Dear congress-participants and friends, With regret I apologise because I could not take part in the closing ceremony with you, because I had to fly out at 11am. I could not even properly say goodbye, specifically during the banquet, because I had to leave […]
AEA president’s Bekasi report
Friendship in Bekasi Second three-country congress, Bekasi, Indonesia 28 March – 2 April 2018 I’m sitting in a blue Damri bus between Bekasi and the airport in Jakarta. The half-full bus only moves slowly, often even stands still. I wonder how many days (years) these traffic-stops steal from the population? Outside I see the huge, vast city of Jakarta. One hour ago we said good-bye to our new/old friends. So what was the second three-country congress like? Not as many […]
Comments on the Second Three-country Congress
At the end of the Second Three-country Congress in Bekasi, Indonesia, 2018, we asked participants to give us their comments. Here are the results: I liked the course and the performances, the dancing and the singing. I especially liked the presentation of Sandor, Heidi and Elstara. I can not speak Esperanto, so I’m sorry for English … I feel so blessed to be able to attend the congress. All of the people there were so kind and friendly. Too bad, […]
Esperanto promoted in Maitland, NSW
On Saturday 10 February 2018, several Esperantists (four wearing special green t-shirts) went to the Maitland Riverlights Multicultural Festival. Eckard Roehrich demonstrated wooden word-blocks, which he made for teaching the language. The team also taught many people at the “Language Lounge”. When we offered propaganda material, some people said, “I’m good”. Certainly. But I think they would be better if they accepted the booklets. 😄 Some children requested many booklets – very formally. Lastly, after sunset, little lights were sent […]