Monthly lecture series via Zoom

Jonathan Cooper (20 April)

The 3rd Sunday of each month, 5pm Sydney time (UTC+10)
PLEASE NOTE: Sydney will then NOT be following summer-time.

If you would like to attend, or to present something yourself, please write to:

(NOTE: All lectures are in Esperanto.)

> 2022 Lecture series
> 2021 Lecture series


20 April 2025

Art is like boxing – Jonathan COOPER (Australia)
Controversy in art is not a new phenomenon; it started happening as early as the Renaissance. This lecture will examine some of the issues that artists have disagreed and argued about for the past 550 years, and in the process, learn some important and interesting things about art. Jonathan worked at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, for over 30 years. Among the positions he held there were senior coordinator of education programs and website manager. He is now vice president of the Australian Esperanto Association and president of Esperanto NSW.

Previous sessions

16 March 2024

Cisarua 2025: Asia and Oceania – Hoan Trần (Ĝojo) (Vietnam) and Arya Bhaskara Ferduzi (Indonesia)
The 81st International Youth Congress (IJK) will be held in Indonesia 9 – 16 August 2025. This is a perfect opportunity to spend the Australian winter in a tropical paradise, meet people from Asia and other parts of the world, and work together to strengthen our work in Oceania. Fellow Esperantists of all ages, language levels and continents are welcome to the IJK. Come to this information session to find out what wonders await you in Indonesia.

16 February 2025

Logical thinking TV quiz – Nicole ELSE (Australia)
Usually to do well in quizzes, you need to know a lot of facts about history, movies, celebrities, sports, etc. Not for this one; you just need to think logically and read the questions carefully. Nicole hopes that you will actually try to answer them. A good exercise for the brain.

15 December 2024

Can the financial industry save the planet? – Jonathan Moylan (Australia)
Jonathan Moylan is a professional environmentalist who has worked for fifteen years for various international, national and local non-profit organisations, leading campaigns to fight climate change and also to preserve biodiversity. He also founded the Newcastle Esperanto Society twenty years ago (it is no longer active). He currently works for the Australian Conservation Fund (ACF) and his focus is on transforming financial organisations such as banks and pension funds. Obviously, for-profit organisations cannot change the world without pressure. But are they changing – and how can we use the power of grassroots campaigns to change them further?

17 November 2024

Work for refugees – Rainer KURZ (Germany)
Rainer will investigate the situation of refugees in Germany and present his creative project “Work for refugees”. For this he won a prestigious German award.

20 October 2024

Dictatorships and Esperanto – Ana ALEBIĆ-JURETIĆ (Croatia)
In 72 years of its existence (1918-1991) Yugoslavia experienced two dictatorships: the first in the period 1929-1941, and (they say) the second after the Second World War, in the period 1945-1991. The two dictatorships gave different conditions for Esperanto: during the first, Esperanto was banned and Esperantists were persecuted, and during the second, the state supported Esperanto, but not always financially. That was the golden period for Esperanto, not only in Yugoslavia, but worldwide. Interestingly, two of the most important Esperantists, who worked hard for the recognition of Esperanto, came from Yugoslavia: Ivo Lapenna and Tibor Sekelj.

15 September 2024

Clean water distribution: What’s happening with you? – Guy MARTIN (France)
Twenty years ago, some farmers decided to grow corn, which needs a lot of water to grow. Due to climate change, they no longer have enough water in rivers or boreholes. So they decided to build water reservoirs in winter, filled by boreholes. However, there is a lack of water in the underground water table and only 5% of farmers are allowed to use that stored water, which evaporates in the summer.

18 August 2024

“(In)appropriate” information about Esperanto – Petr CHRDLE (Czech Republic)
Famous Czech Esperantist Petr Chrdle will challenge you with surprising facts about our language.

21 July 2024

The eternal worldview of Martinus and Esperanto – Javier Romero TELLO (Spain)
Who was Martinus? What happened in his life to gain cosmic awareness? And what did he envision in relation to the future world state and the future world language, Esperanto?

16 June 2024

Armenia: a museum under the open sky – Araksaja ELBAKJAN (Armenia)
About the ancient history of Armenia, its nature, architecture, art and people.

19 May 2024

Olympic Games: History, facts and fun – Sandor HORVATH (Australia)
In July 2024, the Olympic Games will begin in Paris. Sandor explored the history of the ancient and modern Olympic Games. You will hear – or maybe even relive – some special moments, victories, losses and scandals.

21 April 2024

Brassens in Esperanto: Long live Uncle Georges! – Marcel REDOULEZ (France)
Georges Brassens (1921-1981) was a French songwriter, considered an eminent poet of the 20th century. In various places around the world, many artists continue to sing his songs, especially since his texts have been translated into many languages. Of course also into Esperanto. To honour the 100th anniversary of the artist’s birthday, La Kompanoj (The Companions), a song and theatre troupe from Esperanto-Gironde, a local E-group in Bordeaux (south-west France), collected, updated and published sixty-six songs. Marcelo Redoulez is the director of La Kompanoj.

17 March 2024

Psychic phenomena in a Brazilian Esperanto community – Trevor Steele (Australia)
Volunteer work in “Bona Espero” (Good Hope) changed Trevor’s life. There are invisible forces as real as everyday material things.

18 February 2024

Dracula: Legend and History – Rodica TODOR (Romania)
Dracula is one of the most popular figures of all time. But what are his origins? The legend of Dracula acquired a mystical aura due to the many superstitions and chronicles during the Middle Ages, inspiring books, films and plays. Also related are the Romanian prince Vlad Țepeș (the Impaler), the character Bram Stoker, and even connections with the British royal family. The lecture gave some explanations about these topics.

17 December 2023

Brno and the South Moravia region – Mirka and Jirka TOMEĈEK (Czech Republic)
Brno is the likely location to host the World Esperanto Congress in 2025. Mirka and Jirka presented many interesting aspects of the city and its surroundings, including its culture, history and tourism. Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic and is located in the southern part of the country with good connections to Prague, Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest and Katowice. The city is known for its atmosphere, beautiful architecture and rich culture. The South Moravia region is known for its wine-growing and picturesque landscape.

19 November 2023

Heraldry in Esperanto – Serge SIRE (France)
Serge presented coats of arms and explained why it is not easy to do heraldry in Esperanto.

15 October 2023

My life in Esperantujo – Ewald SCHICK (Austria)
Ewald is a long-time Esperantist from Graz in Austria, whose father was an Esperantist and a communist. Ewald presented his personal story, the history of the Communist Party in Austria and also his work as a taxi driver.

17 September 2023

Grésillon: the dream and the reality – Guy MARTIN (France)
Guy explored the history of this special place for Esperantists around the world. He explained some important moments in the history of the castle and its surroundings, its structure and the vision for the future.

20 August 2023

Western Sahara – Roger PRIETO (Portugal)
Western Sahara is considered the last African colony. After the Spanish colonisation, the territory was occupied by Morocco, and a large part of the Eastern Saharans fled to the south of Algeria. Roger explained the history and perspectives of this little-known conflict.

16 July 2023

The collapse of the Soviet Union – Trevor STEELE (Australia)
Trevor presented the historical context for this historic period, which actually occurred while he was in the Soviet Union.

18 June 2023

Clarinets and other wind instruments – Serge SIRE (France)
Serge presented his wind instrument collection, which includes mainly clarinets, and explained why the clarinet family contains so many members (the most numerous of the wind instrument families).

21 May 2023

Julian Assange: hero or villain? – Sandor Horvath (Australia)
Sandor explored the life of Julian Assange, and the history and importance of WikiLeaks.

16 April 2023

The Occitan language – jOmO (France)
The famous singer jOmO presented the history and the current state of the Occitan language. He even sang in it.
Memorial celebration for MARCEL LEEREVELD
Probably the oldest Esperantist in the world, Marcel Leereveld, died on 21 March 2023 at the age of 105. The Australian Esperanto Association briefly presented his life and then we asked attendees to say a few words about their memories of Marcel.

19 March 2023

World music and dance – Helen PALMER (Australia)
The WOMAD (World Music And Dance) festival is a yearly event in Helen’s home city, Adelaide, South Australia. It also happens in a few other places around the world. Helen presents the history of WOMAD and her experiences during this event. For her, the festival is a time when her part of the world learns joyfully about other parts.

19 February 2023

“La KancerKliniko” (LKK) – Serĝo SIR’ (France)
Serĝo presented the history of the satirical magazine La KancerKliniko.

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