Galerio de Esperantistoj en Aŭstralio

Cover of the book 'Galerio de Esperantistoj en Aŭstralio'Are you interested in the Australian Esperanto movement, especially its history?

Do you know – or have known – an important Esperantist worth mentioning in this country? (Maybe you actually are that kind of person.)

If you answered yes, then this book, published by AEA, is for you.

It has two main parts:

  • The biographies in the first part were compiled, with a few exceptions, by Charles Stevenson. He dug into the very beginnings of Esperanto in Australia and followed the lives and activities of pioneers and early activists. There you will find biographies of activists from more recent times, who passed away before October 2021.
  • In the second part there are biographies of activists living in the late 20th and early 21st century, whom you may know personally, but know little about. These are mainly autobiographies.

It is an unconventional reference book. In addition to the factual information, it aims to show the human dimension of the individuals: their hobbies, some personal characteristics, a bit about the family, interesting events. With the more recent people, you will sometimes find their somewhat philosophical thoughts.

Also included is a set of all available group photos from national congresses and summer schools.

The book was compiled by Charles Stevenson and Katja Steele. Editing by Katja Steele. Technical editing and page layout by Joanne Johns.

Price: AUD $35.00 plus shipping
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